Email Opt In | Arvon

Email Opt In

Thank you for becoming an Arvon Friend

You now need to opt in to receive your fortnightly Arvon Friends email with tips and exercises from Arvon tutors, and occasional fundraising communications. 

This is due to the new European data protection regulation (GDPR) that comes into force from 25th May.  Without your consent we will be unable to continue to send you our writing tips and exercises, keep you informed about creative and fundraising opportunities, and what’s happening at Arvon. 

So please opt in by filling out your email address and ticking the boxes below. 

If you have any further questions, please email 

Arvon also sends out other types of emails – including a monthly newsletter with courses news, and genre-specific emails about courses. If you would like to edit your mailing preferences, you can do so by logging in to your Arvon account. If you do not have an Arvon account you will need to register. If you need help registering your account, please contact