Online Writing Day: Fiction | How to finish a first draft | Arvon
Online Writing Day: Fiction

Online Writing Day: Fiction

How to finish a first draft
  • Andrew Michael Hurley Arvon tutor
    Andrew Michael Hurley
Date Friday July 11th 2025, 10:00 - 16:00 BST
Location Online

It’s OK. Don’t worry. Every writer has hit a brick wall at some point. For all the hours they’ve put in, for all the endless revisions they’ve made and all the thinking they’ve done, they still feel no closer to completing a first draft, and frustratingly it’s not always clear why. On this course, we will consider the many reasons that writing stalls, and how we might tackle those obstructions. During the day we will break down the component parts of a story, such as structure, character development and thematic exploration, and discuss what might need to be addressed in those areas in order for us to move on. We will also spend time thinking about what’s at the very heart of the novel we’re writing, and how enhancing our understanding of what we’re writing about and what we’re trying to say can clarify what needs to be on the page. The course will be beneficial at any stage of the writing journey. It will equip those who are just starting out with some useful strategies to get them through the difficult early stages. Those further along will have the means to devise a more bespoke plan to take their project on to completion.

Is this course for me?

Our one-day courses are aimed at anyone who is currently, or would like to begin, writing. They are regularly attended by writers who:

What will I gain?

How does it work?

All sessions of the day are delivered live via Zoom meetings, with the option of cameras off or on. We strongly encourage you to participate in the live sessions, but if you find yourself unable to attend on the day, it will be possible to watch the recordings of each session at any time over the course of the following month.

A detailed timetable is included below.

Why Arvon?

Arvon is a not-for-profit charity that has been running since 1968.

At Arvon, everyone who crosses the door of one of our writing houses is a writer – no matter what their age or writing experience – and all are welcome.

For more information About Arvon – Home of Creative Writing since 1968 – Arvon

Online: £90

Concessions: £63

As part of our effort to increase participation in the arts, a limited number of 30% concessions are available for this course at checkout, as well as two fully funded places for those who cannot afford the concession rate. To request a fully funded place please email

We are committed to making our Arvon at Home programme accessible to as many people as possible.

Across all of Arvon at Home


Online Writing Day

How I Write

Online Writing Weeks and Evening Courses

Subject to funding/permissions (please contact for more details)

If you have any access issues that we have not covered here, please contact us on

See here for more access information.


On the Day

10-11.30 Morning workshop part one 

11.30-11.45 Tea break 

11.45-12.45  Morning workshop part two 

12.45-13.45 Lunch 

13.45-15.15 Afternoon workshop   

15.15-15.30 Tea break 

15.30-16.00 Final Q&A/next steps 



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