Graham Mort | Arvon

Graham Mort

Graham Mort has won awards and critical acclaim for his work in poetry and short fiction. He is emeritus professor of creative writing at Lancaster University and a visiting professor at the University of the Western Cape. A national HE teaching fellow, he has designed mentoring schemes and pioneered practice-based research projects in the UK and internationally, addressing themes of conflict, political oppression, language, and liberty.

He has written for BBC radio and created broadcast series in Uganda and Nigeria. His work has appeared in many print-based and online literary journals including the Guardian, the New Statesman and Poetry Review. His latest full-length book of poems is Black Shiver Moss (Seren, 2017); his latest book of short stories is Like Fado and Other Stories (Salt, 2021). Graham’s more recent writing has been in very short fiction.

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This tutor is available for a 1-1 session. Graham is usually available in the afternoons from Wednesday to Friday, but can be flexible.

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