Puja Changoiwala | Arvon

Puja Changoiwala

Photo of Puja Changoiwala

Puja Changoiwala is an award winning journalist and author of three books, Homebound, Gangster on the Run, and The Front Page Murders. A critically acclaimed writer of both fiction and non-fiction, she has won over a dozen national and international awards for her work. Distinguished as a ‘storyteller of history’, Puja is drawn to stories that spotlight lives on the bladed fringes of society — from the sewer divers of Mumbai to the water-starved villages of Odisha to those riding the ‘Internet Express’ trains in Kashmir.

Over fifty publications around the world have published her reportage, including the BBC, CNN, the Guardian, the Washington Post, National Geographic, and VICE. Over the years, Puja’s impactful narratives have not only earned her international acclaim but have also shed light on pressing issues, ignited conversations, and catalysed change.

More information about Puja is available on her website: https://www.pujachangoiwala.com/