Adam Weymouth | Arvon

Adam Weymouth

Photo of Adam Weymouth

Adam Weymouth is a writer and journalist. His first book, Kings of the Yukon, tells the story of his 2000 mile canoe trip down the Yukon River through Canada and Alaska, exploring the decline of the king salmon and how their disappearance is impacting on the many people and ecosystems that depend on them. The book won the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year, The Lonely Planet/ Stanfords Adventure Travel Book of the Year and the Prix Paul-Emile Victor. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including Granta, the Observer, the Atlantic and the BBC, and he was selected by the National Centre for Writing as one of ten writers shaping the UK’s future. His new book, about the return of wolves to European Alps, will be published by Penguin in 2024. He lives in Ramsgate.